Don't forget to sign up for the SparkFun AVC!
Just a couple weeks ago, we released the course preview and competition details for the 2013 SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition (or AVC). The response has been outstanding. As of right now, we have 32 teams signed up and a hundred spectators registered. It's shaping up to be an awesome day!
Today we just wanted to remind you that if you are planning on participating or simply attending as a spectator, please register as soon as possible. It will make planning the event much easier!
We are extremely excited about the AVC this year and have high hopes for an exciting day of robotics. If you are interested in competing, you can read the full rules of the competition here. You can also check out a course preview here. There are a few discrepancies between what is said in the video and what is stated on the AVC website - when in doubt, always defer to the website. That is the go-to source for up-to-date info.
Thanks and hope you can join us!