A Thank You and an Upcoming Class

AVC was fantastic - thanks!

First off, we wanted to say thank you for all of you that came out to the SparkFun Autonomous Vehicle Competition this past weekend. I think all those in attendance will agree it was easily one of the best AVCs yet. The weather was fantastic, the location was beautiful, the crowd rowdy and - most importantly - the bots performed admirably. We will have a full recap post (with video and photos) coming soon, but we just wanted to say thanks for making the AVC awesome. We hope we'll see all of you (and more) next year.

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We also wanted to post a reminder about an upcoming class. At our last Simon PTH Class, many of the attendees requested we host a Simon SMD Class, so we checked out our schedule and added one to the calendar. So at SparkFun HQ on July 17th, from 6 - 9ish p.m. we'll be hosting our Simon SMD class, where we will teach you the lifelong skill of surface mount soldering. We promise that, at the end of the workshop, you will be able to perform SMD soldering - and we won't let you leave until you can! You can sign up here. Hope you can join us!