We're back and we have some new products and an energetic guest engineer. Check out the goods for this week.
Products, products, and more products. That's what Fridays are all about here at SparkFun. We have a few new things this week. Check out the video and hear our engineer Shawn explain the new CC3000 shield and breakout board.
I'm not kidding here: $50k for the first person to figure out how to harvest Shawn's energy. I think the secret might be in his bow-tie. More research is necessary.
The CC300 is a handy little WiFi module from TI. This week, we are selling the bare module and a breakout board, as well as a shield. Pick your flavor. The module allows you to connect your project to a wireless network. It even has a clever little setup routine that enables you to configure the module for your network using your phone. So when you move the project from network to network, you don't have to go in and reprogram the sketch. Nifty.
Looking for a bunch of sensors, but don't want to throw down for the full sensor kit? Check out the new essential sensor kit. This kit includes a lot of our most popular sensors including a flex sensor, tilt sensor, hall effect sensor, force sensitive resistor, photocell, and more! It's a great deal for beginners or anyone that just wants to start playing around with how microcontrollers interact with hardware.
We've been using double-sided foam tape for years to stick PCBs to enclosures. It works well, but sometimes you need something more, uh, industrial. Check out the foam PCB tape. This stuff is industrial grade foam tape for sticking things to other things. The 'VHB' stands for 'very high bond' (no, there's not going to be a new 007 movie filmed in Denver). The tape is 1" wide and you get about a yard in length. Check the video above and you can see how strong it is.
People have been asking for us to carry the exact transistor that comes with the SIK. Sure. Here you go.
Lastly, there's a new Beaglebone Black out this week. This isn't shipping yet, we only have it for pre-order. This one is the 'Rev C' which is identical in every way, but has 4GB of onboard flash memory (instead of 2GB) and is $10 more. Keep in mind that Beaglebone plans to fill backorders on the 'Rev B' before the new 'C' starts shipping.
That's it for this week everyone. Thanks for watching, reading, and buying stuff. We'll be back again next week with more new products, tutorials, and other things you might enjoy. See you then!