SparkFun Fast Company Feature

Rob Walker, author from Fast Company, did a great feature on the past, present and future of SparkFun Electronics.

"SparkFun is Radioshack for the Maker Crowd"

Thus reads the headline for Fast Company writer Rob Walker's recent piece about SparkFun. We were first put in touch with Rob back in October, when he contacted us with an interest in doing a piece about SparkFun.

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_Photo via Benjamin Rasmussen, Fast Company_

Rob interviewed several people from SparkFun -- most notably our CEO Nate Seidle (pictured above working on a SparkFun Inventor's Kit) and our Creative Technologist Nick Poole (of product demo fame).

We weren't entirely sure what the article Rob was working on would say -- like any good journalist, Rob plays his cards close to his chest and we really had no idea in what direction the article would ultimately head.

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So yesterday, we finally saw the article that had been months in the making -- it's a really cool piece and it's awesome to see SparkFun in a publication like Fast Company.

So what do you think about the comparison? Is SparkFun the RadioShack for Makers (hopefully without all that messy bankruptcy business?

We certainly want to be the go-to source for the stuff you need to complete your projects. We work hard to keep our finger on the pulse of the DIY community and get the coolest products around. Maybe SparkFun is the RadioShack for Makers...just hopefully the RadioShack from circa 1982 and not the current one with a -$350 million dollar operating income.

Thanks to Rob for the awesome writeup!