Check out our Hookup Guide for the new IOIO-OTG.
A few weeks ago, SparkFun released a new version of the IOIO-OTG (pronounced “yo-yo-O-T-G"; the OTG stands for On The Go). This version fixed some issues our production team was having while manufacturing and programming the IOIO-OTG in large quantities. You can read all about the improvements made in this previous Enginursday post.
As with all new SparkFun releases, we wanted the IOIO-OTG to have the best documentation to enable our customers to get started using their IOIO-OTG as quickly as possible. So the IOIO-OTG Hookup Guide is now available for your reading pleasure.
In this guide, we show you how to use both PC and Android applications with the IOIO-OTG. Learning each platform will be a twofold process: one method shows you how to use pre-existing apps, and the other teaches how to build your own apps. The guide also covers how to streamline IOIO-OTG development to allow you to speed up project time without having to fuss with plugging and unplugging USB connections. Last, you'll learn how to use Bluetooth to communicate with your IOIO-OTG wirelessly.
Whether you're a wet-behind-the-ears developer or a seasoned pro, the IOIO-OTG is a great way to get started in the world of embedded electronics!
Have a IOIO project in mind? Tell us about it in the comments. Already have a IOIO project that you've created? Show us what you've made!