Enginursday: Even a child could do it!

Stock photography babies show incompetent adults how to safely work with electronics.

Delving through the fascinating world of stock photography, I couldn't help noticing how incredibly bad grown-ups, including engineers, are at electronics safety. Luckily, there are lots of adorable models/babies to explain the fundamentals.

man sticking a screwdriver into a wall socket

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Uh, so, no. Easy mistake to make, no big deal, but you're actually going to want to only put *plugs* into outlets. If you get confused, consider asking a friend to help out!

idiot and fuse box

Am I doing this right?

child with toy switchboard

Wow, okay, so quick rule of thumb? If you can *see* the electricity, you might want to take a quick step back and reevaluate.

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Whoa, lady WHOA! Unplug it first!

woman burning herself. calmly.

Soldering is safe as long as I'm wearing eye protection, right?

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Are you being serious right now? I honestly can't even tell if you're being serious.

All images (c) Can Stock Photo