Enginursday: 60 USB Chargers in Parallel

Here I've got 60 USB charger power supplies wired in parallel, just to see what happens.

Sometimes engineers need to take a break from crunching numbers and furrowing their brows at data sheets, and do something fun instead. Today I wanted to find out what would happen if I took 60 5V, 2A power supplies and wired them together. It can put out 120 amps at 5 volts! Will it melt a wire? What about a spoon? Can it melt a quarter? Can I arc weld with it? Or will the whole thing catch on fire? The only question remaining is what to do with them next.

It doesn't make a lot of sense to actually do this (there are better ways of generating so much current), and my methods are definitely suspect, but hey! It's an experiment. Have a look to see what happens!

And...ahem... don't try this at home.
