You Know You're a Maker When...

Enjoy this compilation of relatable answers from the SparkFun team

Last Friday kicked off this year's National Week of Making, which celebrates the ingenuity and innovation of makers of all ages and locations around the world. As a company of makers in a community of makers, this mission obviously hits very close to home, and we thought it would be fun to survey everyone at SparkFun to see how they would answer the prompt:


p>You know you are a maker when ________________________.

Hopefully, this small sampling brings a bit of humor to your Week of Making -- we definitely had fun putting it together! If you have something you would like to ask the SparkFun team, leave us a comment; we'll be doing these types of posts from time to time.

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A maker, makerizing.

You Know You're a Maker When...


p> members fear you'll "burn the house down," even though there was only that one time.


p> get stopped by TSA every time you fly because you forgot your work-in-progress was in your backpack.


p> catch yourself hoarding the parts of an old Sleep Number mattress "in case I need to use them for something."


p> solder as a stress reliever on the weekends.


p> can recall the pinouts for dozens of IC's, but can't remember to buy butter.


p> drive out of your way to see what's in the dumpster behind the local tech company.


p>...when your family members first response to "Look what I made" is to protect their vital organs.


p>...the white noise that lulls you to sleep is the steady rhythm of your 3D printer


p>...there's no room for meals on your dining-room table.


p> spend three hours automating a process would have taken 40 minutes to do manually.


p>'re not sure whether it's 2 p.m. or 2 a.m.


p>...when you find knitting needles in your toolbox or a rivet setter in your makeup bag.


p>...something cool and new hits the market, and you have to buy two -- one to play with, and one to tear down.


p> list Philip Brainard's kitchen in Flubber as a life goal.


p>'d rather spend hundreds of dollars to custom build something you can buy for $20 at Target.


p>...your project works but you don't know how or why.


p>'ve accumulated enough junk parts to build your own super computer from scratch.


p> know making a project is 2/3 taking apart, 1/4 putting together, and the remainder glaring at it.

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Your turn!


p>You know you're a maker when ________________________.