Fun with Balloons

Meteotek has combined two of my favorite things - balloons and electronics. Checkout the images for this balloon sat project.

DSCN2146 por meteotek08.

Every time I see projects like this, it makes me want to buy a large tank of helium. Meoteotek was a project put together by a group of students to launch a data logger into the lower atmosphere. I am unable to translate Spanish Catalan, but pictures have a way of speaking for themselves.

Preparant l'estació de recepció...

Awesome! It's like wardriving but looks colder and earlier in the morning.

Les 2 plaques de la sonda; la de components i la de piles

This team emailed us to let us know that the Copernicus GPS module and the SCP1000 pressure sensor performed admirably at 30,677m (100,000ft)! I love that they used a brick of AA batteries. I would have used a LiPo (lighter, better capacity). Do alkaline batts hold up better under cold temperatures than LiPos? There's a good video of the preparations and launch.


So cool. Can we even do this in paranoid America? Can I just find an open spot in Kansas and launch a payload to 100,000ft? There must be clearance or something I have to get from the FAA? I think we should have an autonomous payload rendezvous competition next year.

Tots els membres del grup

It looks like it was a successful launch and recovery. Congrats guys! Awesome project!