ESP8266 + Cayenne = <3

The Thing is the first non-LoRa board officially supported inside myDevices’ Cayenne IoT project builder!

Great news for IoT developers: the ESP8266 Thing Dev Board is now supported by Cayenne, opening up development possibilities to anyone creating IoT projects. Cayenne is free for makers and already supports the work of 260,000 users with its drag-and-drop IoT Project Builder, allowing you to quickly design, prototype and commercialize IoT projects.

SparkFun ESP8266 Thing - Dev Board


You can check out some of the first ESP8266 Thing Dev Board projects on Cayenne here, like this ultrasonic sensor and trigger motor project. If you want to get a jump on your next IoT project (and tap into some motivation), on July 20 we're launching a Hackster contest.

Watch our video to see how easy it is to connect the Thing Dev Board to Cayenne, and begin building a connected project (and get a sneak peek about our upcoming contest).