Behind the scenes at SparkFun, we’ve been working hard on making our website easier to use (and nicer to look at). Earlier in the summer we launched our new navigation with faceted search. Since that time we've directed our attention toward overhauling our old product pages.
Our No. 1 goal is to make sure you can find everything you are looking for. That said, we've given more insight to the recommended products we provide. Previously, we only provided a single row of recommended products that didn't really let the user know why they were being recommended to them. We've now separated them into Hookup Accessories, Similar Items, and Frequently Bought Together to give you a better understanding of why these items are being recommended.
At SparkFun we do a lot more than simply provide the products you need for your projects; we also do our best to support your quest to gain a full understanding of how to use the products. We've combined all of the help and resources we provide into a single area where you can find tutorials (including hookup guides), videos, handy support tips and user-generated projects.
We hope you find the new product page design to your liking! As always, feel free to leave any feedback below. On to the next project!