Next week is SparkFun Free Sticker Week! What does that mean? Well...pretty much exactly how it sounds. As a small way of saying "thank you" to all our customers, we are going to include a sheet of
SparkFun stickers with every order that we ship starting next Monday (the 26th) until we run out of stickers (maybe a week, maybe a few days longer or shorter...depends on how many orders we receive). We were going to include a free
Port-o-Rotary with every order, but it wouldn't fit in the small boxes for little instead...stickers! Thanks to all our customers for continuing to rock!
This diabolical looking device is our very own
Geiger Counter. We have even written a great
tutorial to show you how it works! The board comes fully assembled and quipped with an ATMega168 with example code that generates truly random bits. Simply plug the device into USB, open a terminal program, and you will see random bits being generated from your local
background radiation. Can be powered over USB and programmed in circuit.
We also sell the
Geiger tube!
This is a
breakout board for the PCM1803A 24-bit ADC. Includes an on-board oscillator that allows for sampling frequencies up to 96kHz. Can be used in high quality audio equipment or as high precision ADC.
The nRF24LU1 is an really neat chip. It contains a SOC wireless transceiver and a fully integrated 8051, USB compliant device controller all on one chip. The
breakout board includes a 3.3VDC voltage regulator and all necessary supporting components.
Another addition to our
current sensor category; the
PLC-UART-HS is similar to the other powerline communications modems we sell, but this one allows for throughput up to 5Mbps!
A new development board from PICAXE. This is a
PICAXE experimenter's kit including all the parts and widgets you need to get
up and running with PICAXE programming.
2010 Autonomous Vehicle Competition has been scheduled! Are you working on your robot? We are.
Everything you should have learned in school, but probably didn't! This
book is great for electronics newbies, or if you just need a refresher
course. Topics ranging from Ohm's law to proper usage of an
oscilloscope to managing and interacting with employees are covered.
You can always use more jumper wires.
These are 12" M/M.
This is a surprisingly small
relay. SPDT 12V 10A sealed relay.
Your basic LM
Op-Amp. Opamps have so many
applications we figured we should probably carry at least one in a DIP package.
shirts were another oops from our printer. Wood.