The holidays are just around the corner, but SparkFun got an early Christmas present - a new pick and place!
We're having an IRC chat tonight, Wednesday the 9th! Got an idea or question? Join us at 4PM MST and chat with Nate and the rest of the SparkFun gang.
SparkFun must have managed to stay off Santa's "naughty list" because Christmas came early this year.
This past week, SparkFun production got a serious upgrade with a new pick and place machine - the Manncorp MC384. It can place up to 4000 parts per hour and has a special vision system that allows for non-contact, on-the-fly alignment of SMD components before placing them onto the PCB. It cost us just a little over $52k, but it's going to make our production process even smoother.
We have to give a shout-out to MannCorp for their great service in getting this thing. We made our order the first week of November and had the machine by December 4th - a four week turn-around time, which in industrial equipment is pretty darn good. Kudos, MannCorp!
In the spirit of the holiday season, I offer the SparkFun Pick-n-Place poem. {ahem}