Learn to Develop in RISC-V with our RED-V Boards

Develop in Freedom Studio or Zephyr RTOS with the SparkFun RED-V

A few weeks ago, we released our first two RISC-V capable boards we affectionately dubbed "RED-V." The SparkFun RED-V RedBoard is in a standard Arduino Uno R3 footprint, while the SparkFun RED-V Thing Plus is in a Feather-compatible footprint. By now the majority of you that are interested in developing with these new boards have been able to get them in your hands to start playing with them, but for those of you who are hesitant about diving into an intimidatingly expansive programming architecture, you might need a little help getting started.

The guide below will help you get the RED-V RedBoard or Thing Plus up and running to attack that cleverly hidden flaw in the thermal exhaust port. Depending on personal preference, there are a few environments to get started with the boards, but in this guide we will be going over how to get started in Freedom Studio and Zephyr RTOS. All wings report in... we're going in full-throttle.

RED-V Development Guide

November 27, 2019
This guide will help you get the RED-V RedBoard or Thing Plus up and running for the exhaust port. Depending on personal preference, there are a few environments to get started with the boards. All wings report in... we're going in full-throttle.