Summer Camp - SparkFun Style

Summer activities cancelled? Welcome to SparkFun Summer Camp! We’ve got tutorials, projects, and sales for adults and kids to make sure this summer is still fun.

We know a lot of summer camps, trips and activities are up in the air, if not downright canceled this year. Not to worry - we’ve got some of your typical summer camp activities covered, with an electronics twist. Check out this summer’s activity schedule, and let’s have some fun!

Wooden trail sign with SparkFun Summer Camp and deal dates

Our summer camp schedule includes:

  • E-textiles: Kick your arts and crafts game up a notch by adding lights and sound to your projects - we see that rad patch you’re working on! (If you end up making a sweet summer camp patch, we’d love to see it! Share on social media and tag @sparkfun.)
  • GPS: Hiking and exploring nature can be tricky if you’re somewhere unfamiliar. Learn more about GPS and try making your own system.
  • Robotics: You could play a classic summertime sport or game – or you could build a robot and teach it to play with you (very slow, two-player tag, anyone?)!
  • Machine Learning: Ever tried to memorize the plants, bugs and animals you might meet in your local great outdoors? Maybe it’s time to have machine learning lend you a hand, so you don't learn the difference between poison ivy and Boston ivy the hard way.

Camp will kick off Thursday evening, July 2nd, and end on Friday, July 31, at 11:59 p.m. MDT. Our special summer camp page will be live on Thursday evening, and each week will have activities, projects and information to get you started on the different topics. While we’re at it, each theme will feature some sort of surprise, because who doesn’t love a sale? Check Thursday evenings for the latest surprise! Please note that we will be closed in observance of the July 4th holiday on Friday, July 3rd.

We’d love to see the projects that you create this summer! Please share with us on social media by tagging us on your post.