A Dual Solid State Relay, You Say?

A new Qwiic-enabled 25A/250V dual solid state relay is here, along with a slew of new gas sensors.

Hello everyone, we have quite few products to get through today and it all starts with the brand new Qwiic-enabled Dual Solid State Relay. This high power board is not for the newly initiated, but we've been getting a lot of requests for a variety of power options so now you have another one! Also today, we have five new gas sensors that can be soldered to our Gas Sensor Breakout. Rounding out the week we have a new version of the Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with headers. Now let's jump in and take a closer look at all of our new products!

Huge power options come to Qwiic!

SparkFun Qwiic Dual Solid State Relay

$149.95 $59.95

The SparkFun Qwiic Dual Solid State Relay is a power delivery board that allows users to switch two AC loads from a low power microcontroller using the SparkFun Qwiic connect system. The board features two 25A/250 VAC solid state relays that utilize the Zero Cross Trigger method, so you can toggle two loads on a 60 Hz AC carrier signal on and off up to 120 times per second!

Always have the right sensor!

Smoke Sensor - MQ-2


The MQ-2 is a smoke and combustible gas sensor that has a range of 300-10000 ppm. Its most common use is domestic gas leakage alarms and detectors with a high sensitivity to propane and smoke.

Dual Gas CO and CH4 Detection Sensor - MQ-9B


The MQ-9B is a CO and CH₄ gas detection sensor that has a range of 10-500 ppm. It detects carbon monoxide by cycling high and low temperature. The sensor’s conductivity gets higher with the CO and CH₄ gas concentration rising.

Low Concentration Ozone Gas Sensor - MQ-131


The MQ-131 is a low concentration ozone gas sensor. The sensing material for the MQ-131 is WO₃, which will have lower conductivity in clean air and higher conductivity when the ozone concentration rises. This sensor has high sensitivity to ozone, and also has sensitivity to strong oxides such as Cl₂, NO₂, etc.

Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Sensor - MQ-136

$37.50 $24.95

The MQ-136 is a hydrogen sulfide detection sensor with a sensing range of 1-200 ppm. The sensing element is SnO2, which has lower conductivity in clean air. When H₂S gas exists, the sensor’s conductivity rises with the gas concentration.

Ammonia Gas Sensor - MQ-137


The MQ-137 is an ammonia (NH₃) gas sensor from Winsen. The sensing element is SnO2, which has lower conductivity in clean air. When NH₃ (Ammonia) gas exists, the sensor’s conductivity rises with the gas concentration.

Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with Headers


The Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense with Headers is an evolution of the traditional Arduino Nano featuring a more powerful processor - the nRF52840 from Nordic Semiconductors - and a 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M4 CPU running at 64 MHz. This will allow you to make larger programs than with the Arduino Uno (it has 1 MB of program memory – 32 times bigger), and with a lot more variables (the RAM is 128 times bigger). The main processor includes other amazing features like Bluetooth® pairing via NFC and ultra low power consumption modes.

That's it for this week! As always, we can't wait to see what you make! Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram or Facebook. We’d love to see what projects you’ve made!

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