Register for the AVC - Plus a Couple Other Things!

A reminder about the AVC, a new tutorial, and SparkFun in 3D!

3-24-2010 : Another good storm hit last night. We have shut down SparkFun for Wednesday morning. Please be patient while we try to come back online.

The Autonomous Vehicle Competition is quickly approaching (April 17th, 2010) and plans around the office are really starting to heat up. We're getting pretty excited - and we hope you are too! If you are planning on attending the event, either as a competitor or a spectator, please register! It will help us get an idea of how many people to expect so we can plan seating, potential concessions, and generally get a feel for how crazy the day is going to be. Can't wait!

Next we have a new tutorial from Ryan, SparkFun engineer. Ryan has created a tutorial entitled "Playing WAV Files with a DAC" (catchy, isn't it?). This tutorial will guide you through using an Arduino main board, a AD5330 breakout board (8-bit DAC), and a microSD Shield to make a slick device to playback uncompressed audio files. Nice work, Ryan!

Last, but not least, SparkFun 'Ographer (yes, you read that correctly - he's a videographer/photographer - just plain 'ographer) Rojas has created a 3D rendering of the SparkFun office to be used on Google Earth. It has been submitted to Google, and hopefully it will be accepted in the next few days!