We've got an AVC poster, a video, the Arduino Inventor's Kit, a new GPS, FTDI Cables, and a handful of other new products.
The poster for the 2010 AVC is going to print! The autonomous vehicle competition is slowly but surely turning into a big event. If you plan on attending this free event, please register so that we can include you in the event planning. The competitors have less than 2 weeks to get their kill switches working...
While we're at it, check out this "course preview" video featuring our very own Ray the Robot! If this video isn't educational enough for your needs, check out this course preview video led by Director of Engineering Pete Dokter (it is also embedded on the AVC product page).
And now on to the good stuff! First we have something that we are all very excited about - the Arduino Inventor's Kit. This kit includes all the bits and pieces you need to get started in Arduino. We've teamed up with Oomlout to include a booklet filled with various "experiments" to guide you through the basics of Arduino while you create your own projects! We think this kit is a great starting point for exploring DIY electronics - and there is no soldering required!
The SUP500F is a compact, all-in-one GPS module great for projects where fast and easy system integration is required. The receiver’s -161dBm tracking sensitivity allows continuous position coverage in nearly all application environments. This is one of the newest, smallest, and more exciting GPS modules we've seen in awhile. 10Hz output?! And an easy-to-solder PTH connector. Not sure if this GPS module is the right one for you? Check out our GPS Buying Guide!
SparkFun now carries the FTDI cable. This is a USB to Serial converter which allows for a simple way to connect TTL interface devices to USB. The I/O pins of this FTDI cable are configured to operate at 3.3V and we also offer a 5V FTDI Cable.
This is a breakout board for Freescale's MMA7361L three-axis analog accelerometer. The sensor requires a very low amount of power and has a g-select input which switches the accelerometer between ±1.5g and ±6g measurement ranges. Other features include a sleep mode, signal conditioning, a 1-pole low pass filter, temperature compensation, self test, and 0g-detect which detects linear freefall. Plus, it's breadboard friendly!
The LMZ14203 is a new power module from National Semiconductor and part of their Simple Switcher series. This IC is an easy-to-use step-down DC-DC solution capable of driving up to a 3A load with exceptional power conversion efficiency, line and load regulation, and output accuracy.
This is a nice little red insulated binding post. These binding posts accept banana plugs, and are a great way to connect single-wire leads. The colored cap screws up and down, and is designed to clamp on the connecting wire.
A nice, standard Green Basic LED. Use this for all things blink - whether it's an indicator light, a status light, or just an LED throwy.
Enough talk! Must get back to working on my AVC vehicle...