The Time Is Near

Free Day is in two days - Thursday, Jan. 13th. Are you ready?

We just wanted to take a brief second to remind everyone (as if you needed reminding!) that Free Day 2011 is this Thursday, January 13th. Note, I said Thursday, not today (there was a bit of confusion when our countdown banner went live last week).

We are extremely excited for Free Day this year and the lads in IT have been working hard to make it go as smoothly as possible. This includes doing company wide testing where we get to act like it's Free Day everyday. It's pretty fun, but I admit it's a bit disappointing that our imaginary Free Day funds go *poof* when the test is over. Fortunately, when the real Free Day hits, any funds you garner will be there for your very-real use. Hurrah!

So you have less than 48 hours now to get your study on - don't waste it! There are a bunch of mini-tutorials on our Tutorials page titled "Bite Sized Primers." These might help you answer the Free Day quiz questions - just maybe. Good luck everyone!