
Check out these awesome products from another Boulder-based company.

One of the great things about living in Boulder is, for a pretty small town, the high-tech industry is relatively hopping. There are huge companies like IBM and Lockheed-Martin in town, but also some small boutique-type places - like our friends at Modular Robotics.

Cubelets - so much more than a cute little robot.

Modular Robotics is the maker of Cubelets. What are Cubelets? They are a bit hard to describe but, generally, they are small, magnetic cubes that snap together to form simple robots. There are sensor blocks, action blocks, and think/utility blocks. The sensor blocks do things like sense distance, temperature, light, etc.. Action blocks do things like beep, display a bar graph, or move. Think/utility blocks make changes to the way the robot acts or can be a battery block. They are very cool and can be combined in an infinite number of ways to make all kinds of cool little robots. The best way to understand them is to see them in action - check out the video below!

As you can see, changing just one block makes a completely different robot. We here at SparkFun love these things because they help bring electronics to the masses. There are no wires necessary, no programming, and are an easy way to explore the question, "What would happen if I changed this bit?" Check out the Mod Robotics website to read more about the project.