Free Day Recap Video

Check out the action at the SparkFun offices on Free Day.

Ah, it seems so long ago - but it has only been just over a week since Free Day 2011 took place. It was, at the very least, another interesting experience. All in all, we ended up giving away just a touch over $150,000 in SparkFun credit and gave approximately $23,000 to three charities. All in all, I'd say it was a good day.

So check out the video! This is a behind-the-scenes look at the mayhem in the SparkFun offices on January 13th, 2011. Share our joy as we count down the last seconds until the madness begins! Cry along with our melting servers! Frantically run the SparkFun office halls with distraught members of IT! Yep, this video has it all. Have a great weekend everyone!