Check out some coverage of past e-textile meetups as well as an update on upcoming wearable technology events!
Today we have a guest post from our favorite e-textile master Lynne Bruning:
It's been quiet on the e-textile frontier as everyone gets ready for SxSW Interactive, the International Symposium of Wearable Computing and Maker Faire. But rest assured there is a constant hum of Xbees, LilyPads, FabricKits and Sparkles.
On February 3rd, a serendipitous event occurred at Los Angeles CRASHspace. Anouk Wipprecht was visiting from Holland to complete the finishing touches for Fergie’s Super Bowl costume, Syuzi Pachykham was coaxed away from the rigors of the FashioningTech blog and I walked away from my sewing to present an e-textile lecture, give away conductive thread, and share projects. We even had a surprise visit from Isa Gordon, curator of the Siggraph Cyber Fashion Shows. I can honestly say it was an evening of standing room only uStream breaking stupendous! Yes LA, I’ll be back in June to teach a class!
If you are among the lucky ones attending SxSW March 18th and 19th, go say Hello to Syuzi and see her Fashioning Tech exhibit located at booths A12-A14. Syuzi has curated a cutting edge collection of “fashionable garments that seamlessly integrate technology with craft to create a new modern aesthetic.”
Lastly, the 2011 Maker Faire Bay Area E-Textile and Wearable Computing Showcase is a GO! Start thinking about your project, begin your designs, create create create and submit your application to me before midnight May 11th. This year, its gonna be the best! Hope to see you out there!