Join us for our Arm Tech Talk!

SparkFun is joining Arm and Silicon Labs for a Tech Talk next week on all things Matter. Learn how to register, what IoT topics you'll learn about, and how to enter our Thing Plus Matter giveaway!

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What is Matter? Besides the usual answer of that which occupies space and possesses rest mass, Matter is a new technology that will revolutionize IoT. According to SiLabs, Matter "drives the convergence between the major IoT ecosystems to create one easy, reliable, and secure wireless protocol to connect all IoT devices and networks."

Arm is hosting a Tech Talk on January 24th with SparkFun and Silicon Labs. This Tech Talk will give you an overview of Matter's history, use cases, benefits and overall ecosystem. You'll also learn about the Arm Cortex-M33 based MGM240P module from Silicon Labs and get a sneak peek at our upcoming SparkFun Thing Plus Matter, which combines the module and our Qwiic ecosystem for rapid prototyping. You'll also get to see matter in action with a demo.

Whether you're an IoT expert or thinking of starting your first project, listening in to this Tech Talk will be beneficial to your future IoT endeavors! Sign up below!

We're also doing a giveaway of 3 of our new Thing Plus Matter boards! Learn more and enter here.

Have an awesome IoT project in the works? We want to see!. Shoot us a tweet @sparkfun, or let us know on Instagram, Facebook or LinkedIn.