A quick tutorial from Cairo Hacker Space!
Hacker spaces are cool areas where people get together to work on all kinds of projects ranging from electronics to woodworking, sculpting to sewing. It's a great way to pool resources. If you haven't ever been to a hacker space, I strongly suggest you find the nearest one and check it out. It can be an awesome source of knowledge, insight, and inspiration.
Hacker space done Denmark-style, known as Illutron
But what do you do if there is no hacker space nearby? Short of hopping on a bus or plane, the next best thing is what is known as a "virtual hacker space." Truthfully, these aren't much different than any other forum, but the focus of these virtual beacons of innovation is often just a touch more up our alley.
One such virtual hackerspace is the Cairo Hacker Space. This particular hacklab is just starting out but one cool thing they have come up with is A Beginner's Guide to Using WiFly and Arduino Via Serial.
This is a very nicely done tutorial exploring WiFly that has all the source code available for download. It's great to see these sources of knowledge springing up all over the place! Happy hacking everyone!