Fritzing - now with SparkFun parts!
Fritzing is a great free program that has become the go-to-guy when it comes to creating electronics diagrams. It is an outstanding way to show things cleanly wired up and we all know that sometimes snapping a picture of your breadboard prototype is not always a good way to explain how your project is wired.
Look at all that beautiful red!
And with the latest release of Fritzing, 74 SparkFun parts come pre-loaded! These include a bunch of LilyPad parts, some breakout boards, and Arduino Shields! Of course, the addition of these SparkFun parts isn't the only change in the latest rendition. Check out this long list of new features!
We are really excited to use this new version of Fritzing and hope that it helps you design and document your next SparkFun project. If you've never used Fritzing before, check out the above video for a quick introduction, then download it and start playing around! Enjoy!