The Mechatronic Tank and Spirit II

Check out these cool bots from a dad and his two daughters!

Today we have a couple very cool projects from Robert Beatty and his daughters Genevieve (Age 9) and Camille (Age 11). Robert, Genevieve and Camille are all very interested in robots and decided to set out to build their own. Inspired by modern tanks as well as the Mars rovers, they built two very cool robots - the Mechatronic Tank and the Spirit II Mars Rover.

As you can see in the above video, the Mechatronic Tank is pretty amazing. Besides looking awesome, the tank features a host of impressive electronics. The tanks main software is controlled by an Arduino Mega 2560 and it also uses 12 MaxBotix MaxSonar Ultrasonic Sensors. It uses our MP3 Trigger for sound and communicates wirelessly via the XBee protocol. Check out the Mechatronic Tank page for more information. Oh, yeah - and it shoots 1,000+ BBs per minute at 350 feet-per-second. Incoming!

The second bot is inspired by the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity and is aptly named the Spirit II Mars Rover. It also uses an Arduino Mega and XBee, and gets its power from a few of our solar cells. Check out the video above and visit their webpage for more info. Awesome work Robert, Genevieve, and Camille!