Want to explore the world of ATMega?
This coming Sunday, November 13th, SparkFun is hosting a new workshop in our ever-growing series of classes - the ATMega In-Depth Class. There are some spots remaining, so if you are interested in exploring the world of ATMega microcontrollers, check it out - the ATMega In-Depth Class.
In this class, which runs from 9 AM to 5 PM, you will be working with the Arduino IDE, but will venture beyond the Arduino development board. You'll build a breadboard example of an Arduino compatible board based on the ATMega328 from Atmel, learn about clocking the chip, loading code via FTDI Basic, and will also cover using the ATMega328 as a programmer for the ATtiny85.
You'll be working with the Breadboard Arduino Compatible and the FTDI Basic.
The class takes place right here at SparkFun Headquarters. There is a prerequisite that you are experienced with Arduino, so keep that in mind. Space is limited, so sign up now. Read the full details at the class description page. Hope to see you there!