Low-Cost Eye Tracker

Check out this customer eye-tracker project!

Well, we are back from the holiday and are ready to start the homestretch until Christmastime. We hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Today, we're talking about a great project from SparkFun customer Luis Cruz - the Eyeboard.

Based on the ATMega328, the Eyeboard is an open-source project built with the intention to help people with disabilities. The board allows users to control a computer interface using only their eyes. While projects like this have been made before, this project is made more impressive because of its low-cost, simplicity, and - well - the fact that Luis is only 18 years old. The system uses electrooculography, also known as EOG. EOG essentially uses electrodes placed around the eyes to record eye movement.

Check out Luis' website for more information or to order your own DIY Eyeboard kit. As the Eyeboard is open-source, Luis has links to download schematics and code as well. Great work!