Taking apart the new Nest WiFi thermostat.
Awhile ago I read about Nest, a newfangled thermostat with a color display and some interesting 'learning' techniques for keeping your home warmed or cooled, as sensible as possible. Did I mention the beast has IR proximity, PIR movement, humidity, magneto scroll, and a mini USB connector? Oh. It does.
It's a pretty awesome little piece of technology, though a bit pricey. Being a sucker for new-fangled tech, I made a pre-order and waited. A few days later, I got an email from Nest offering a free professional installation. I wasn't interested, but on a whim, I replied:
Hi Matt,
This offer is a great idea! I feel very much appreciated as a customer but I won't need an install, thanks! I can't wait to get my nest and poke around inside. Depending on what's inside it might be worth doing a homepage post. Would you mind?
From your friends at SparkFun,
Much to my surprise and honor, I got a response from Matt: "Thanks for the note Nathan! I'm a frequent shopper of SparkFun myself. Feel free to dig, poke, and post!' -Matt, Founder and VP Engineering. Awesome! So dig and poke I did - and you can see the results here. Really cool. It's awesome to see a piece of commercial technology so very....hackable. Check out the full dissection. Nice product, Nest!