SparkFun Featured in WeVolver Edge AI Technology Report

We are thrilled to announce the launch of a comprehensive guide to hardware and software in Edge AI. This report aims to be the guide to everything on Edge AI hardware & software in this emerging sector.

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Hey - awesome news for all of you edge computing and TinyML fans out there! We've teamed up with WeVolver to contribute to their Edge AI Technology Report, which is an honest and deep assessment of the current state of Edge AI, as well as a predictive investigation on where this technology is going. The report's chapters include topics such as:

  • Tiny ML
  • Algorithms
  • Hardware and Software Selections
  • Case Studies
  • Sensing Modalities, which is the section we've contributed to.
  • The Future of Edge AI
  • ...And more!

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The report, created in collaboration with industry experts, researchers, and tech providers, is designed to become an essential tool for anyone looking to understand and navigate the evolving Edge AI landscape. The report provides practical and technical insights from the field by dissecting the technology's current status, applications, challenges and future trends.


We are proud to be joining the ranks of Arm, Edge Impulse, and Arduino on this publication. We talk a bit about our Qwiic Connect System and highlight one of our most innovative new releases, the DataLogger IoT - 9DoF. The download is free, so check it out!

Okay, I'm just going to post some more photos now because I think they all look sleek and nice. Enjoy!