20 Years of SparkFun, 20 Years of Couch Collecting

It's a casual Friday here on the blog. We're celebrating 20 years of SparkFun this year! Throughout all that time, a collection of couches has accumulated in our HQ, and we wanted to test them all out to see where the *best* couch in the building is. Join us!

This week we've got no new products for you! So, we decided to give you all a casual Friday on the blog and take you around HQ. As you may know, we're celebrating 20 years of SparkFun this year! Throughout all those years, a collection of couches has accumulated in our HQ, and we wanted to test them all out to see where the best couch in the building is.

So the Communications Team grabbed our limited edition Elektor Magazines and set out to settle the age old question at SparkFun - which couch is the best couch? We'll each be rating them in our area of expertise. Come along for the ride!

The Marketing and Communications Couch

Situated between this moderately menacing Halloween decoration and a printer that can definitely smell fear are the marcomm couches - and there's two of them!

Lauren: What this couch lacks in structural integrity, it makes up in character and comfort. Someone should really flip the cushions every once in a while. Vibe Rating: 6/10

Sean: This couch, and its counterpart (which is where the photo is being taken from - identical), get extra points for being "home base" for the Marketing team. However, it's definitely too close to the main hallway and gets a ton of foot traffic, so I don't know what Kollin is on about below. Not the spot for a nap. Good place to eat breakfast with the Marketing Team Score: 7/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 9.8, Close to desk, comfy, and lights came be turned off.

The Bridge Couches

Maybe a little too comfortable for a reading spot.

Lauren: The difference between these couches is pretty obvious. The one on the left thinks the opposite of fire is water, while the one on the right thinks it's no fire. Vibe Rating: 7/10

Sean: It's a bold move to sit on these during the all-staff meetings. Space is limited, and sitting on these puts you right in the middle of the action. Importance Score: 8/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 8.4, Comfy, but area a little too bright at all times.

Someone's College Futon

This thing definitely had a past life in someone's dorm room.

Lauren: Versatility! It can become a flat surface, but would you ever actually trust it with your spine for a night? Vibe Rating: 5/10

Sean: This couch is close to the others, but backed away from where the projector is. It's kind of the odd one out in this space, not as comfortable as the red ones, but is probably still better than sitting on the ground. Not the ground rating: 3/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 6.9, College futons are only meant for a last resort. Usually pretty terrible and you know that bar that just digs in your back feeling.

The Sheep Farm Couch

Sheep, dogs, farmhouses, and a picturesque countryside - what else could you want out of a couch pattern?

Lauren: As someone who hunts for secondhand furniture with energy that can only be described as "debatably haunted," this is all I've ever wanted in a couch. Vibe Rating: 10/10

Sean: This couch belong on my dream farm in the countryside. Whimsical, durable, and remote - this is the best couch for your midday retreat. Bucolic Dreaminess Score: 10/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 7.7, Overall the design makes up for the quality. By far wins at the best looking!

The Loneliest Couch

We have never actually seen someone sit here.

Lauren: Pristine... a little too pristine. She doesn't want us here. We're intruding. Vibe Rating: 2/10 (but I respect her independence!)

Sean: This couch has the not-used vibe of someone's vacation home that gets used for a week and a half a year. It's either not in the right place or not inviting enough. Waiting Room Score: 3.5/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 9.1, Quiet location for a nap as the sun goes down.

HQ/Admin's Suede Behemoth Couch

Chickens deserve bedtime stories too.

Lauren: This is one of those couches that threatens to swallow you whole into the cushions, but you know you'll be comfortable while it happens. Menacing, yet also nurturing. Vibe Rating: 7/10

Sean: I'd like to say this couch has seen better days, but I'm honestly not sure. Suede looked better on singers in the 80s than on couches. Not Elvis' Shoes Score: 5/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 8.6, My desk is quite far away, but I find it to be comfortable overall.

The Software/IT Couch

Not pictured: the two other couches and a sick projector screen setup #jealous

Lauren: Is this also a futon? Vibe Rating: 6/10

Sean: Classic junior high sleepover vibes being right by the projector. Nostalgia, soda pop, pizza, and Mario Kart feels score: 10/10 Good job SWIT!

Kollin: Napping Score: 8.8, Closer to my desk but very comfy

Sales Couch 1

Wonder what they do over here.

Lauren: For some reason this couch has the same energy to me as the clock in Beauty and the Beast. Vibe Rating: 4/10

Sean: A fine couch but pales in comparison to one across from it. I heard Marketing used to be over here, which gives it negative points in my book. Bland Score: bleh/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 7.6, Too short for a nice nap. End up in a u-shape

Sales Couch 2

Now we're really wondering what goes on over here.

Lauren: This is one of those couches you got dirt cheap for your college apartment that you'll look back on fondly due to the best naps of your life taking place on it. Vibe Rating: 8/10

Sean: Now we're talkin'. This couch has that perfectly worn leather feeling that takes years of use to achieve. Naugahyde Score: 9/10

Kollin: Winner Napping Score: 9.9, Great size with low arm rests. I mean just a solid example of a great couch to crash out on.

Sales Bench of Some Sort

The perfect place to solemnly stare out the window while dramatic music plays.

Lauren: This is the optimal setting to listen to the Twilight: New Moon soundtrack on a rainy day. Besides, of course, Olympic National Park on a rainy day. Vibe Rating: 7/10

Sean: I went to Catholic School for 9 years and this "couch" reminds me way too much of a church pew, but the views sure are nice. I feel like I should be kneeling score: 4/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 0, This makes the College futon feel like a Tempur-Pedic mattress.

Jenn's Office Couch

Pictured: a very successful deal taking place.

Lauren: This couch? The ultimate girlboss. Vibe Rating: 6/10

Sean: Sorry Jenn!/10

Kollin: Napping Score: 4.8, Just too small to really do anything. Only plus is you have a door to close.

Honorable Mention (and a Couch in Our Hearts): The Rooftop Picnic Table

"Life's a climb, but the view is great" - The Hannah Montana Movie

Lauren: I'd come up here more if my life wasn't feeling constantly threatened by the weather this year (it was like 98 degrees out when we took this photo). Vibe Rating: off the charts

Sean: I love this bench. The views are incredible and it's the only couch where you can get some fresh air. Not a Couch Rating: Not a Couch

Kollin: Napping Score: N/A, The best spot in the office to see some great views!

So, which couch is the best couch?

Let us know your thoughts in the comments! We'll see you next week!