Check out a new class: "Processing the Danger Shield"
It seems like every week, we are adding new classes to the SparkFun curriculum. Today, in fact, we are hosting an Exciting XBee Class! But that's not the point of this post - this post is to talk about a new workshop called "Processing the Danger Shield." This class takes place on February 4th, 2012 from 9 AM to 5 PM right here at SparkFun HQ.
The Danger Shield is a great little Arduino shield with a bunch of interesting gadgets on it. It has three slide potentiometers, a couple LEDs, some push buttons, a photocell, a temp sensor, an 8-bit shift register, a capacitive touch pad, and more. It's a lot of fun to play around with and has a million and one uses.
In this new class, we'll explore how to use SparkFun’s Danger Shield to show how a microcontroller can be used as an interface for a computer program. You will learn the basics necessary to create graphical interfaces, data logging visualizations, games and animations using the free programming environment called Processing. Processing is based on Java so you will learn 21st century programming skills that are immediately transferable to college and the workplace.
By the end of the day, students will understand how to use analog and digital sensors as inputs to effect something on the computer screen and how to use the computer as input to effect physical outputs in the real world, such as LEDs. Due to the heavily supported community nature of Processing, once the basics are understood, a whole new world of creation and learning are available. Go to the class listing to sign up! We hope to see you there!