AVC Reminder

The Autonomous Vehicle Competition is coming soon!

First off, a hearty thank you to anyone who stopped by the SparkFun booth this weekend at USASEF in Washington D.C. - it was great to meet all of you. I personally really enjoyed talking to quite a few customers at our booth and definitely met a bunch of great people. We taught a lot of people how to solder, met a lot of interesting folks, and saw many cool projects! Keep an eye out for photos and videos coming in the next couple weeks. Also, thanks go out to all the folks who attended the SparkFun Soldering Competition! From what I heard, it was a great time - we'll have more of a recap coming up shortly as well. Today, we're talking about another SparkFun event - the Autonomous Vehicle Competition (or AVC).

This post is just to serve as a reminder that on June 16th, 2012 (a bit more than a month now) from 8:30 a.m. to around 5:00 p.m., SparkFun will be hosting the popular AVC event. This event invites teams to descend on SparkFun headquarters and compete in a robotic rally race around the SparkFun building. The only tricky part - the vehicles must be autonomous and circumnavigate the building without any human interference. You can read the full rules on the AVC product page.

Competitor entries have been filled up for quite some time now, but the event is free and open to the public for spectators. All we ask is that you register on our EventBrite page so we can get a feeling for numbers. There will be food, fun, and - of course - autonomous racing. We hope to see you there!