SparkFun Heading to Mini Maker Faire Champlain

We're heading out to Vermont!

We're all really big fans of Maker Faire (and Mini Maker Faire) at SparkFun - we have sponsored the Faires from very early on. The big Faires, New York and San Mateo are spectacles of the first order. The draw of the Faire is that you get to see things and meet people who have common interest and are working on projects that you might not otherwise see. The exposure to new technology and ideas is constant and inspiring. It's also great to be part of a community, we are all familiar with the eye rolling family members who could care less about our totally autonomous freezer defroster with datalogging and Twitter feed. But the ability to revel in our absolute devotion to odd ideas with our community is really fun! This brings me to Vermont...

Jenn Karson, a key cog in the Vermont Maker Faire wheel. Photo taken by Matt Thorsen for Seven Days

With help from Vermont Makers group there will be the first-ever Champlain Mini Maker Faire on Saturday September 29th. For the past year or so SparkFun has been doing events in VT and getting to know a community that is really fun and accessible in the Green Mountain State. The  first exposure I had to FarmHack was the Vt Makers group , Laboratory B in Burlington has hosted SparkFun workshops and we see great stuff coming from the FabLab at the University of Vermont at Burlington(UVM). Vermont has a reputation for innovation through the years and  even though we're open source, we give props to the first patent ever issued  was to a Vermont inventor.

Just another day at a typical Maker Faire.

In discussion with the Makers we are excited to see the broad range of participation, Dean Kamen will be coming to visit and there are makers from the US and Canada polishing their projects for what promises to be a great time. This year's Mini-Maker Faire has a flight theme and we've seen some great ideas submitted for display. SparkFun is scheming a project to bring as well.

The setting for all this is the revered Shelburne Farms Coach Barn, a classic Burlington landmark. SparkFun and Vermont makers are teaming to do a soldering booth and there will be E-textile activities as well as speakers and presentations from a wide variety of disciplines.

If you're interested in a booth or presenting the call-for-makers is still open, but hurry, they are closing out fast. Hope to see you there!