Grr. Getting Digikey to sort by price using Greasemonkey and a nifty plugin to Firefox written by Alex Leone.
New: A triple axis gyro, specialty IC hooks, AVC poster, bags of LEDs, Open Heart Kit, new (Sale) items, MIDI cable, and a fuse and fuse holder.
Check out this cool project from Jeff Miller featuring the SparkFun Arduino Pro Mini!
Maker Faire San Mateo is May 22-23 - and SparkFun will be there! Will you?
Limor and Phillip present on the state of open source hardware and the companies blazing the trail.
Check out this cool dice project - no electronics, but pretty darn awesome.
Check out the new ArduPilot Mega - for all your autonomous needs!
We have a handful of new products, including the new Fez Domino, Triple Luxeon Rebel LED Breakout, ADXL345 Eval Board, the TTS256 Text-to-Speech chip, the LYPR540AH Triple Axis Gyro Board, SPI-to-UART IC Breakout, the MP3 Trigger V2, an updated microSD Shield, and a Multiplexer Breakout Board.