New Arduino Mega, Atomic inertia measurement unit, coffee mug, solder, jumper wires, and mini-Bully posted.
A snapshot of a rover, the list of competitors, and other random thoughts.
We've got a new GPS buying guide, new MP3 board, serial multiplexer, SparkFun wrist belt, servo extension, iPhone LCD, low-cost DMM, a programmable oscillator, and lots of snow.
Mike shows us his giant FIRST timer. It's snowing again. And tomorrow doesn't look good either.
We're shutting down shipping on Friday March 27th, 2009 to take inventory.
One tutorial, some case mods, one new product, and a customer's interesting take on recycling SparkFun shipping boxes.
Having fun in the parking lot, putting out fires. SparkFun gets trained on how to use a fire extinguisher. Plus, two new classes and a few new products.
Meteotek has combined two of my favorite things - balloons and electronics. Checkout the images for this balloon sat project.