The production team puts their "skillz" to the test to make some creative e-waste art!
Check out what Spark Fun customers are doing with their Arduinos.
The production people are at it again - this time in a friendly creative contest!
We played with a couple embossing tools to see if we can do hot-air rework. It didn't work out very well.
Lots going on! Checkout our new Profile feature. We got mentioned in Fortune magazine, and we're going to EntConnect.
We rigged up a web cam on the pick and place for the day. Take a look and see what we're building.
We try to stuff our RFID tag into a Car fob. It didn't work out so good. And we've got new button pad controllers, 10Hz GPS, Arduino XBee shield, new dual-axis gyros, a Nordic RF serial interface board, and a much more!