Give your significant other the gift of geek this Valentine's Day!
January is drawing to an end, which means that Valentine's Day is almost upon us. If you're like me, you may have exhausted your gift giving ideas over the holidays which leaves only one option - the handcrafted gift. Fortunately, SparkFun Electronics has your back, and we've created a Valentine's Day gift guide video (with accompanying tutorials) to help you this year. Check it out!
Pam, SparkFun graphic designer, built both of these projects as the perfect gift for your loved one, significant other, buddy, pal, or bro. If you'd like to build the heated blanket, you can check out the tutorial here. The parts list is as follows:
For Pam's music box, which was inspired by SparkFun employee Dav's design, you can check out this tutorial. The parts list is here:
Hope you enjoyed the video! Please feel free to leave any questions in the comments section below. Cheers!