Fighting Walrus Radio - iPad/iPhone UAV Base-station

Check out this Open Source iPad/iPhone accessory that turns your device into a UAV base-station!

When I first heard the name "Fighting Walrus Radio," I wasn't sure if it was a clever name for some indie rock station or a reference to two walruses duking it out over an AM/FM set - turns out, probably not so surprisingly, it's neither. The Fighting Walrus Radio is a cleverly designed product that turns your iPad or iPhone into a base-station for a UAV. With the AVC coming up, this certainly seems timely to share.



The Fighting Walrus Radio communicates with your drone using the MAVLink Micro Air Vehicle communication protocol. This makes it compatible with existing drone platforms such as Ardupilot. It also has a cool list of features/abilities, such as:

  • Monitor your UAV's critical flight systems
  • Touch the screen to send new waypoints to your drone
  • Log flight data
  • Open-source iOS app
  • Rugged aluminum design
  • 1 mile range
  • Compatible with all MAVLink drones and Parrot AR.Drone
  • 30-pin and Lightning connector versions

You can learn more and contribute to the Fighting Walrus Radio IndieGoGo to get your own at this page. There are only 5 days left on their campaign, so if you want one, you better hurry!