Switching things up with new products!
Is it Friday again already? Wow! Well let's see what kind of new products we've got for this week. Once again I'll be your host while Rob's out of town irradiating himself.
Don't hate on my pull-chain barrel jack switch! If you found yourself a nice looking pull to put on the end of it (like a little brass pineapple or something) it'd be downright classy. I have to admit, though, the in-line switch we carry is a lot more reliable.
Ah, yes. The humble barrel jack. A simple, hard working connector that we use a lot. The problem, though, with having a nice clean connector is that you don't want to hack it apart and sometimes you just need to get a power switch in there. Good news, this in-line Barrel Jack Power Switch will fit right between your power supply and your application! Each barrel connector is 5.5x2.1mm so it will fit any Arduino board as well as our wall-wart power adapters.
In case you don't remember this video from last summer when we very scientifically tested our enclosures for, um, truck-proof...ness, I can tell you now that the aluminum enclosures came out completely unscathed. Since that time, the smaller of the aluminum enclosures was discontinued, but we've found a slightly smaller replacement. Don't worry, it's still as rough and tough as the old ones. Pick up one of these enclosures if your project might encounter harsh conditions. They were originally manufactured for stomp-box style effects pedals so you could always go build your own - just pick up one of our stomp switches, a pair of 1/4" audio jacks and one of these enclosures (fill with your own "secret sauce" audio circuitry).
Finally, the IOIO-OTG has made it to retail packaging! The IOIO-OTG (pronounced “yo-yo-O-T-G”) is a development board specially designed to add advanced hardware I/O capabilities to your Android or PC application. It's a great way to get your phone talking to your house...or your toaster...or whatever! Of course the IOIO-OTG is available without retail packaging for those who don't need it, but our distributors appreciate the presentation value of a little extra plastic.
Well, that's it for this week. I hope you found something you like/love/need! Don't forget: AVC is coming up! We're changing locations this year and it promises to be the best year yet! I'm working on my robot already - are you? You've still got time! Whether you plan on bringing a 'bot or not, if you're coming to AVC2013 make sure to register!