Check out our new products for this week!
I just want to warn everyone right away before you discover it for yourself, we don't have a product video this week. Instead, we have a demonstration video for a past product. Here it is - an assembly video for the Qtechknow ArduSensor Learning Kit.
We are working on a cool new demonstration of the Muscle Sensor v3 Kit since it's back in stock! We'll be posting that video in the coming days!
Now that we've got that out of the way, let's check out the new products for this week.
First up, we have yet another fingerprint scanner. What makes the GT-511C1 different from the C3 is that it stores less fingerprints into its memory (only 20, versus 200 for the C3). However, this saves you some money. So if you don't need to store as many fingerprints, check out the cheaper C1. Other than the fingerprint storage, they're the same unit. Check out the video demonstration of how it works!
A couple weeks ago we had some new LiPo battery packs that sported some deans connectors. This week, we have those mating connectors to make your life easy. Here at SparkFun, making your life easier is one of our top priorities. Deans connectors are commonly found in RC cars and such. It's nearly impossible to reverse the polarity with them, and they can handle a lot of current.
We've got a new version of the Danger Shield out this week. The new version cleans up some of the issues of the last one and just generally gets tweaked for extra danger. If you're not familiar with the shield, it's just a bunch of buttons, LEDs and such packed onto an Arduino shield. You can use it for just about anything, but it's a great way to learn how inputs and outputs work with Arduino.
If you're not into danger, our new Intermediate Tool Kit is right up your well-lit alley. The new version now includes SparkFun safety glasses so you can save your eyeballs from splattering solder and clipped leads that travel at twice the speed of sound. They can also double as horrible sunglasses. For a limited time, we have some of the old kit on sale.
And lastly, to commemorate, celebrate, and support our national tour, we have t-shirts. They come in popular sizes such as 'large', 'small', and even 'youth large'. If you're going somewhere, and don't want to be topless, these shirts would be perfect for that. Depending on their size, they cover a generous portion of your torso.
That's all folks! We're already working on the new stuff for next week, so as always, check back next Friday for more new products. Thanks for reading and see you then!