SparkFun Open House!

So you've always wanted to meet the peeps behind the SparkFun mask? Here's your chance. We are throwing an open house party to celebrate the new office diggs on August 16th. You can download the flyer here. We are more than happy to provide food and drink (as long as it lasts)! Please RSVP if you plan on coming by August 14th so that we know how much Tofurky to order.

These are very simple, but much awaited jumpers. The female to female connectors will let you jump from 0.1" pins to any other pin. Connect them with male to male jumpers to create any length or termination!

New serial graphic LCD from uVolt. Cheap and easy to use, it even has a speaker!

New bread board USB power supply. This uses your computer to provide 5V and 3.3V!

A couple new screw terminals (2-pin and 3-pin) - useful with the PICAXE power boards.

New line of PSoC parts coming. We've just got the CY8C29466 IC listed for now...