Visit Us at the TVCOG

We're hosting a class at the Tech Valley Center of Gravity

The SparkFun education team is all over the place these days, traversing the country on our National Tour. We just finished a rousing three week tour of the West Coast and there are dates in Oklahoma in the coming weeks! What we wanted to let you know about today is a workshop designed with educators in mind.

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A view from our recent class at the San Francisco Public Library.

Tech Valley Center of Gravity (TVCOG) is an up-and-coming hacker/maker space in Troy, NY. This coming Sunday, July 7th, Jeff Branson - SparkFun Educational Outreach Coordinator - is running a workshop aimed at educators working to introduce younger populations to STEM topics and emerging technology. This workshop has a great price - it's free!

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Creating e-textiles at the San Jose Tech Museum of Innovation

In the workshop, we'll cover techniques for getting kids building circuits and introduce some easy routes into programming and interactivity. Be sure to sign up using TVCOG registration page here and we'll look forward to seeing you in NY!