Help Support the Open Hardware Summit

Help keep open hardware alive and well by sponsoring the OHS!

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Today, we have a call to action for all makers, hackers, hobbyists and electronics enthusiasts who value the ideology and/or benefits of open source technology - Help Support the Open Hardware Summit!

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Speaking at the 2012 OHS.

One of the key tenets of SparkFun Electronics' philosophy is our belief in open source technology. All of our designs are open source, and we think an open market is a healthy market. Our CEO Nate even gave a talk about it at Boulder TEDx.

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Attendees from last year's summit.

The Open Source Hardware Association is one of the most important and influential players in the open source world. Every year, they hold the Open Hardware Summit - the world’s first comprehensive conference on open hardware. It's a venue to discuss and draw attention to the rapidly growing Open Source Hardware movement. This year, the event will be held September 6, 2013 at MIT. Speakers include world renowned leaders from industry, academia, and the maker community.

The OHS keeps open source tech healthy and moving forward - and SparkFun is proud to be a sponsor. But the summit relies on forward-thinking donors to help cover costs so they can keep ticket prices low, and ensure they can offer an accessible forum for open hardware enthusiasts. Now they need your help!

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SparkFun's Director of Engineering Pete Dokter (left) at the 2012 OHS.

Whether you can only sponsor at a lower level, or you want to go all-out, every bit helps. By sponsoring the Open Hardware Summit, you are actively making a difference in the world of Open Source and ensuring that open source tech will continue to be available for years to come.

OSHWA - and SparkFun - thank you!