Help OSHWA build a larger understanding of open source!
We're big fans of open source, and we try to be as active in the community as possible - we attend conferences, give talks, write articles, and generally do everything we can to embody an open way of doing things. We're proud to be a player in an amazing, supportive (and growing!) community, and we can't wait to see the evolution of open source.
The Open Source Hardware Association hosts some of the most influential leaders of the open source world today, and they're very invested in building the open source community, as well as fostering a greater understanding among people who might not have a solid grasp of what exactly open source means or how it could be beneficial. For the second year they're running an international survey, the results of which will help them reach a better understanding of who we are as a community, why we support open source and how we use it, and how our community is growing and changing over time. You can see the results of the 2012 survey here.
The survey is open for one more week (until August 7). We've logged our input, and if you'd like to be involved in shaping the future of our community, we recommend you add your voice. As always, thanks for helping us support open source - knowing how many of our customers share our dedication is what keeps us running!