Time to fire up your humor engine - it's a caption contest!
August is almost at the halfway point, marking the near-end of summer. With many schools here in Colorado already (or soon to be) back in session, we figured you might need a little pick-me-up to get over those end of summer blues. So here you have it, your August caption contest!
First, the rules:
And now, your photo, taken during the first-leg of the SparkFun National Tour:
The prize this time around is - a surprise! We are giving away a surprise grab-bag of SparkFun parts. We'll reveal the contents of said prize when we announce the winner. I will say this much - it's a pretty solid prize worth at least dozens of dollars, perhaps many dozens. I think you'll enjoy it.
Why are you still reading? Get captioning - and good luck!
Thanks everyone who contributed! A winner has been chosen (nice work Colecago), and we'll see you all next month for another caption contest!