Teen Hack Club Launches Coding Challenge Across International Waters

Do you have a kid? Are you a kid? Make stuff and win prizes!

Sparkfun Loot Awaits Within High Seas Adventure

(Note: You may have to translate this from pirate-speak to English to understand the blog)

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All of us at Sparkfun are excited about a new partnership with Hack Club to support High Seas, an epic coding adventure where teens are invited to ship code to earn prizes. Here’s how it works:

  • Anyone 18 and under can sign up to join Hack Club’s Slack community
  • Install the Wakatime extension to track your developer hours on projects
  • Ship your code to earn Doubloons (ooooh), the High Seas virtual currency
  • Exchange Doubloons for sweet prizes – to build more cool projects! It's like a feedback loop of good incentives.

We’re so taken by the energy and creativity of Hack Club teens that Sparkfun is making products like our gesture sensors, Qwiic displays, and RedBoards available as High Seas prizes. We can’t wait to see what these kids put together with them!

Some of the Sparkfun-aligned projects Hack Clubbers have already put together include:

  • A 4-port USB hub with a custom-designed PCB board
  • Takeover Texas is a 3D printed LED board game power by IRL activity
  • Gum Room is a furnished mini room made with all things Orange Trident gum

These teens are amazing and keep us inspired to keep shipping products that keep them inspired to make cool projects (see what we did there??). And we’d like to encourage you to be a part of Hack Club and the High Seas adventure!

Hack Club and the High Seas adventure is completely free. Since launching on October 31, more than 5,200 teens have registered and shipped 142 projects representing over 11,000 hours of code. The goal is to reach 50,000 teens by January 31 and together we can do it! Here’s how:

  • Teen who are reading this, get on over to http://highseas.hackclub.com and register!
  • If teens are in your life, share the url and encourage them to sign up, they’ll thank you later.
  • And if you participate in online communities where digital creativity is encouraged, please spread the word.

And of course, if you want to participate in the High Seas adventure and aren’t sure where to get started, check out our Learn section for some project inspiration. Of course, you can always dive right in: we swear, the water’s great! Avast mates and see you on the High Seas!