So many new cool things to play with. Where do we start? How about the RFL Robot...
So many new cool things to play with. Where do we start? How about the RFL Robot...
RFL robot from Active Innovations is under $140. It's a toy! A toy that I wish I had when I was learning microcontrollers. The RFL robot has a wireless 2.4GHz remote, and uses PICs to control the robot and remote. Active Innovations has opened up access to both the programming and serial port on the remote and robot. This means we can throw things, chase the cat, and program the robot to talk dirty to our co-workers. If only it had a flame thrower option.
There are many parts available for the robotics world as well, including the specially designed
motors and
ThingM has posted their first consumer product called
BlinkM! BlinkM is a “Smart LED”, a networkable and programmable full-color RGB LED for hobbyists, industrial designers, prototypers, and experimenters. It is designed to allow the easy addition of dynamic indicators, displays, and lighting to existing or new projects.
This is a small
IR receiver based on the TSOP85 IC from Vishay. This device will drastically simplify the use of IR remotes and IrDA communication. Point the remote and control your next project.
We have finally found a simple, low cost
USB to RS232 converter. Immeasurably important if you need to connect your laptop to your RS232 board.
Just a simple
3.5mm audio cable - but it's still a great cable for connecting embedded projects to the outside world.
Need a low power LCD? How about just a simple counter or voltage display? This
Monochrome LCD is the low-cost solution for you!
MicroDrive is a small module from 4DSystems that will allow your embedded project to interface to a microSD card using simple serial commands. It does not have FAT16 file control yet, but we're told that 4DSystems is working on it!
And lastly, we've added a few new frequencies to our
oscillator lineup. New 12, 12.288, and 24MHz SMD and 49US packages available.