Join the SparkFun Faire Game!

Join us for an online game to earn discounts on SparkFun gear!

Hey folks! Today we are excited to announce a new contest we're hosting. The contest is entirely online, at your own pace, and you can earn discounts off SparkFun gear! It's called the SparkFun Faire Game!

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Here is how it will work:

  • Below you will find a list of challenges you can complete at home over the next week (12:01 a.m. MT on September 14th - 11:59 p.m. MT September 21, 2014)
  • When you've completed a challenge, simply tweet @sparkfun with a photo or video of your project, which challenge it fulfulls (the "color" of the challenge) and the hashtag "#myfairegame." We will be using this hashtag to tally your complete challenges SO DON"T FORGET! For example you would tweet "Hey @sparkfun - I just completed the red challenge! #myfairegame - [attached picture]." You will need a Twitter account to participate in this competition - but it only takes a few minutes to set one up!
  • Once the competition has ended, we will tally the results and send you a discount code based on how many challenges you completed. Complete all 10 challenges = 25% off, 5-9 challenges = 20% off, 1-4 challenges = 10% off.
  • Lastly, you must register using the EventBrite form below. It's completely free and this will give us a way to contact you after the competition has ended so we can get you your prize!

That's it! Here is the list of challenges and a link with an example tweet:

  • Navy Blue -- RoboGames: Play a game. With a robot. Tweet This!

  • Sky Blue -- Wide World of Science: Do a science experiment at home. Tweet This!

  • Red -- Build Something Beautiful. Tweet This!

  • Yellow -- Coding is Love: Learn how to do something with code. Program an Arudino, build a website, make a Javascript game--up to you! Tweet This!

  • Forest Green -- Agrihack for Justice!: Learn about farm hacking and Smart Citizen Tweet This!

  • Lime Green -- Craft your heart out: Make a gift for someone. Tweet This!

  • Purple -- You can build it: Visit your local hackerspace, makerspace, or hacker/maker meetup. If none of those exist, start a meetup yourself! Tweet This!

  • White -- Pssh Doors: Learn how to lockpick. Tweet This!

  • Orange -- Share the geekery: Do something geeky with someone who’s never done it before. Tweet This!

  • Pink -- Tinker, tailor, solder, spy: Solder something! Tweet This!

We hope you enjoy the SparkFun Faire Game - and maybe learn an awesome new skill while you're at it!