Join us for an online game to earn discounts on SparkFun gear!
Hey folks! Today we are excited to announce a new contest we're hosting. The contest is entirely online, at your own pace, and you can earn discounts off SparkFun gear! It's called the SparkFun Faire Game!
Here is how it will work:
Navy Blue -- RoboGames: Play a game. With a robot. Tweet This!
Sky Blue -- Wide World of Science: Do a science experiment at home. Tweet This!
Red -- Build Something Beautiful. Tweet This!
Yellow -- Coding is Love: Learn how to do something with code. Program an Arudino, build a website, make a Javascript game--up to you! Tweet This!
Forest Green -- Agrihack for Justice!: Learn about farm hacking and Smart Citizen Tweet This!
Lime Green -- Craft your heart out: Make a gift for someone. Tweet This!
Purple -- You can build it: Visit your local hackerspace, makerspace, or hacker/maker meetup. If none of those exist, start a meetup yourself! Tweet This!
White -- Pssh Doors: Learn how to lockpick. Tweet This!
Orange -- Share the geekery: Do something geeky with someone who’s never done it before. Tweet This!
Pink -- Tinker, tailor, solder, spy: Solder something! Tweet This!
We hope you enjoy the SparkFun Faire Game - and maybe learn an awesome new skill while you're at it!