New Product Friday: Leap of Faith

More products and more shots of the new building.

We're back! We not only have a few new products to talk about, but also a video that shows off the new digs a bit more. Trust me, you'll get tired of the new building really quick. But until then, we're gonna keep showing it off! Check it.

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The LTC4150 Coulomb Counter Breakout is here to be your odometer for current. If you are wondering: a coulomb is defind as, to put it simply, one amp for one second. This breakout is capable of constantly monitoring the current your sensor is using, is able to add it up, and will give you a pulse each time a given amount of amp-hours have been used. Check the video above for a demonstration.

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For those of you that backed the MicroView Kickstarter, you might have heard about our little (big?) mistake. Currently, we're shipping out replacements, but for anyone that wants to load a bootloader on their MicroView, we have a simple kit. The MicroView Bootloading Kit contains an Tiny AVR Programmer, hobby knife, resistors, and jumper wires, which is everything needed to get the oh-so-important bootloader on a MicroView. In addition to the kit, we also have a tutorial that explains how to load a bootloader, which is actually a pretty good thing to learn.

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Lastly, we have a new header for the Raspberry Pi B+. The previous header for the GPIO pins was a 2x13, the new one uses a 2x20. It's your standard shrouded header with notch so you get the orientation right. Use it with the 40-pin ribbon cable.

That's all folks. Be sure to check back next week, as always of course. We have a few new cool things for all the robotics fans out there. Stay tuned.