Join us today for SparkFun Live - The Tweeting Turkey Temperature Timer

We'll show you how to make your project tweet!

On today's episode of SparkFun Live, we're going to build the tweeting turkey temperature timer! The goal of this project is not necessarily to have you build your own turkey timer, but rather to show you how you can use the new Intel Edison to connect your project with Twitter! The episode starts at 3 p.m. MST. You can find the stream here:

This demo will showcase how to automatically tweet temperature data using the Intel Edison. We will be going over Ubilinux, which is a Linux distribution based on Debian "Wheezy" and will be using python wrapper Twython. Note that while the Edison documentation uses Yocto, we chose to load Ubilinux onto the board instead!

For the purposes of the demo, we created a special Twitter account which you can find here. Hope you'll join us at 3!